Get a Grasp on Your Practice...

Achieve your ultimate goal of a productive, organized, and efficient practice and a confident, professional team that's primed for growth.

Whether it's your first job as a dental office manager, or you've been in the game for years, it's hard to keep all the plates spinning and your team engaged and productive.

... drive measurable growth

This course is a 3-step roadmap designed to eliminate stress, create a better work/life balance, and enable dental teams to focus on a stellar patient experience.

Are you...

  • A new office manager with more questions than answers?

  • Struggling to organize all the moving parts of the day-to-day operations of your practice?

  • Operating amid the chaos of patient management, clinical care, and insurance headaches?

  • Striving for excellence but feeling overworked and overwhelmed instead?

  • Chasing an ever-rising A/R while fighting to get insurance claims paid?

By the end of this program, you will have...

  • Documented your practice's operational systems

    From PPO contracts and fee schedules to practice management software support, you'll know exactly where to find crucial information when you need it most.

  • Defined the details of the patient experience

    From the first phone call to the next recall, you will have a roadmap of the journey each patient takes through your practice.

  • Developed systems to move your patients smoothly and effectively through their visits

    Give your team a plan for success: have patient registration forms completed, document clinical processes, and communicate from clinical to front office about checkout and next appointments. They'll be ready to wow!

  • An understanding of internal marketing concepts for practice growth

    Set optimal intervals for communication about appointments, recall reminders, and practice newsletters in order to avoid the dreaded "Opt Out."

  • Determined which Key Performance Indicators are vital to monitor

    You'll know which KPI reflect performance, which target effectiveness, and how trends affect your team, your work, and your practice goals.

  • Implemented a strategy to leverage KPI for practice growth

    Identify areas of your practice that might be falling short and create strategies to strengthen weak areas. Be ready to provide valuable insight to your leadership and increase your value to the practice.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

by Jenn P. - Practice Manager

"Our team has been working with Lori at Practice Enhanced to define operational strategies and streamline our processes. We have become so much more effective - and efficient - in our daily workflow and we're able to provide excellent care for our patients without overwhelm or frustration. Because we're working smarter instead of harder, our practice is growing by leaps and bounds!"

Enroll in Practice Enhanced Academy Today!

Get lifetime access to everything and take your skills to the next level. Includes future modules and extra bonus content!

Optimized Operations

Be confident, organized, insightful, and balanced with a clear picture of the operations of your practice.

Stellar Patient Experience

Define the overall experience each patient has during the life cycle of an appointment.

Performance & Growth

Understand which KPI are most important - and impactful - to monitor as you support your team.

Enroll in Practice Enhanced Academy Now!

Be confident, organized, insightful, and balanced as you propel your practice toward exponential growth.

What's Inside Practice Enhanced Academy?

Chapter 1

Systems Create Efficiency

Organizing the operational systems in your practice helps you to discover new strategies to keep your day flowing smoothly. Here's why it pays to learn from someone who's gone before you - we know exactly where most managers get lost inside the constant chaos of running a dental practice. In this module, we're going to crush the chaos and give you strategic tools to help organize resources and set your team up for success. 

You're going to get on the fast-track to getting a handle on the over-all scope of managing a practice.

We'll start by gathering important documents and policies so that you have TOTAL clarity about what you patients should expect from your team - AND about what your practice expects from your patients.

Module Highlights:

  • Create a Practice Playbook: Document the "rules" and store all of the details in one organized, easily accessible location (digitally or in print).

  • Discover available resources for support and process improvement including training, communications, and reporting.

  • "Garbage in, Garbage out." Learn the single most important thing you can do to keep your accounts current. (Hint: it's not a collections agency)

Chapter 2

Efficiency Drives Productivity

Once your operational resources are organized and you've got a handle on the systems required to run a practice efficiently, it's time to take it to the next level: the patient experience.

In this module, we'll identify the overall philosophy of patient care in your practice and incorporate it into the flow of the patient through the practice. A productive team moves their patients thoughtfully, intentionally, and efficiently through the life cycle of each visit.

From that very first phone call to treatment plan presentations to recall reminders and reactivation campaigns, your team will understand the steps to take at every turn because you've drafted and given them a roadmap.

Module Highlights:

  • Craft a quick and painless (and effective) Morning Huddle. Quickly analyze your month-to-date status, identify opportunities for care, laser-focus on production goals, and plan to engage your patients in a way that leaves them feeling comfortable and confident.

  • Optimize internal communication among your team members. Learn ways to seamlessly communicate without having to "talk tooth numbers" in front of the patient.

  • Identify optimal intervals for patient communication. We'll teach you the industry's best practices for appointment confirmations, recall reminders, treatment plan follow-ups, reactivation campaigns, newsletters, and MORE!

Module 3

Productivity Results in Growth

When you understand what Key Performance Indicators are and how they reflect success (or opportunity for improvement), you'll begin to see how trends affect your team, your work, and your practice goals.

The next step in understanding KPI is learning how to interpret them in order to create and implement strategies to strengthen weak areas of practice performance.

Leveraging KPI to affect practice growth is both an art form AND a science. This course serves as a vital first step in mastering the ability to provide invaluable insight to your leadership team. Most importantly, developing this rare talent gives you the opportunity to increase your professional value and find opportunities to make a difference in your practice and beyond.

Module Highlights:

  • Discover the three overarching categories of KPI: Growth & Retention, Productivity, and Revenue & Efficiency.

  • Learn how to interpret the individual metrics within each category and how they overlap and influence each other.

  • Identify incremental changes and actions to take in the operation of your practice that will impact KPI on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

When you enroll, you'll get:

Practice Enhanced Academy

  • An Organized, Efficient Playbook

    detailing the operational systems in your practice. Crush the chaos, clear the mess from your desk, and set your team up for success.

  • A Clearly Defined Patient Journey

    including communication strategies to keep your team productive and provide your patients with a stellar experience at every appointment.

  • A Data-Driven Strategy to Leverage Key Performance Indicators

    enabling you to make key decisions to affect practice growth and reach those stretch goals!

You'll be given access to one module or set of lessons at a time so that you have ample opportunity to dive in and execute that portion of the project plan BEFORE moving onto the next.

We do this to protect your time, attention, and focus while sparing you from the intense overwhelm that stops most office managers from realizing their full, organized and efficient potential!

Plus! These Bonuses to Help You Achieve an Optimized Workflow

Bonus 1: Live Q&A Sessions with our team inside the Members-Only Practice Enhanced Academy Community

Get unstuck in a matter of minutes and maintain your momentum right through till the end of the program.

  • Q&A

    Make sure you get your burning questions answered so you can move forward with total clarity and confidence.

  • Community

    Participate in a highly supportive community with fellow students, alumni ambassadors, and the Practice Enhanced team!

  • Motivation

    A space to overcome isolation and constantly refill your motivation tank by connecting with other office managers who "get" the journey and are here to help you cross that finish line.

Bonus 2: Digital Playbook Organizer

Get our Digital Practice Playbook! It's a virtual filing cabinet to pull together all of your office policies, important contacts, support and training resources, forms, and other important documents. You'll be able to share access to team members and any marketing or management partners.

  • Sync and Share

    Real-time synchronization and sharing of files.

  • Secure and Compliant

    Ability to control levels of accessibility of shared files and folders.

  • Efficiency

    Transparency and communication among your entire team.

Bonus 3: Practice Enhanced's KPI Tracker Template

Use our KPI Tracker to monitor your practice's most important metrics in a simple, easy to use format.

  • Track Your Performance

    A proven, done-for-you format to hold monthly metrics, calculate trends, and track progress toward your practice's goals.

  • Measure Your Progress

    Compare your practice's performance to industry standards and benchmarks from previous years.

  • Take a Deep Dive

    Drill down into the numbers and read the story they tell about how your practice operates on a day-to-day basis.

Practice Enhanced Academy is the most comprehensive, step-by-step operational optimization program for office managers who are excited about and COMMITTED to getting a grasp on their practice and implementing systems to drive measurable growth.

Our community is highly curated and filled with helpful, motivated, and super-supportive members who have been in your shoes. When you join, you will be part of this amazing group.


What our most successful students asked before joining Practice Enhanced Academy

  • I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the things I'm going to need to learn and execute inside this program. Are you sure I can do this?

    Abso-freaking-lutely. If you're here, you already know that you need a solution - that's half the battle! We're going to be with you every step of the way as you plug the bits and pieces of your existing administrative processes into a simple framework for success.

  • Will I need to buy any technology, books or other materials to get the most out this course?

    No, this Academy is specifically designed to help you get the most of the program using the tools you already have - just plugged into the framework of our resources. We may make some recommendations along the way, but you can definitely be successful without adding anything new.

  • I already track my production and collection numbers. Is there really a need to look at more KPI?

    It's very important to see the big picture of how the practice is performing (production) and how efficiently it functions (collections), but there's an important story that's told about within each of those sets of numbers. If production is low this month, you'll often be able to isolate the cause (providers out sick, holidays, etc), but what if production numbers are trending downward over time? We'll show you how to "double-click" into the categorical numbers to find sources of issues and ways to fix them - before they become a BIG problem!

  • I'm fairly new to dentistry and/or management. Is this going to be too advanced for me?

    Welcome to the dark side! No matter where you are in the life cycle of your dental career, what's inside Practice Enhanced Academy will help you grow. If you're new, you'll get the chance to start off with a bang and prime yourself for an amazing career. If you're a veteran in the industry looking for ways to advance your career, even just the organizational skills you'll learn here can help you increase your value to the practice. Adding in the in-depth experience with KPI that we share will give you a much greater capacity for professional development. (Trust us on this one...)

  • Do I have to use a specific Practice Management System to enroll?

    You can use any system out there. We'll use a few of the most popular systems to illustrate examples, but as long as your system is capable of generating reports, we'll be able to show you how to interpret the data.

  • When I join Practice Enhanced Academy, will I be getting immediate access to all the lessons and modules?

    You'll be given access to one module at a time so that you have ample time to dive into the lessons and execute that portion of the project plan BEFORE moving onto the next. You'll also be given access to two Bonuses immediately at the start of the program (the members-only Community for Practice Enhanced Academy and the Digital Practice Playbook Organizer), followed by the Practice Enhanced KPI Tracker in week 3. And remember! You have lifetime access to this program! All of the Practice Enhanced Academy content is downloadable, meaning you can save the lessons onto your computer so you will always have access to it. Whenever, wherever.

  • Will Lori be available and accessible to answer questions if I get stuck?

    Yep! I'll be meeting with you virtually on a monthly basis, but am available to you via email, text or phone anytime! You'll also have the ability to post questions on the group page for the community (including me) to provide input or insight on.

Enroll in Practice Enhanced Academy Today

Kickstart the optimization and growth of your practice with lifetime access.

Practice Enhanced Academy is PERFECT for you if you are...

  • New to dentistry or management and want to make sure you've got all your bases covered as you get started

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • In a practice struggling to meet your goals and want to fix the issues once and for all

  • Looking for a way to increase your professional value in the industry

  • Already investing practice resources in software, dashboards, or other technology that you have a hard time getting the most use out of

  • Exhausted and stressed out by the continual chaos of the front desk

  • Aware of the importance of KPI but don't know where to begin to interpret them for practice growth

  • Ready to connect with others in the dental industry that share your struggles, successes, and ambitions

I can't wait for you to join Practice Enhanced Academy.

My mission is to help you grow. I want you to be confident, organized, insightful, and balanced as you increase your professional value and orient yourself for growth.

I've been where you are. I started my career as a dental assistant (at age 16!), then practiced as a hygienist before retiring my scalers to focus on the management and business development aspect of the dental industry. Even with years of experience, I still struggled to understand and organize the chaos that is running a dental practice. I had no idea how to make my practice grow.  

I've had amazing mentors in so many areas of our industry: fantastic clinicians that challenged me to provide excellent patient care, business management gurus that showed me how to get my, ah, stuff? together so that the entire team runs smoothly, analytics nerds (like me) that taught me the importance of practice metrics (and I hate math), software specialists and supply chain leaders who trained me to leverage the strengths of technology, and marketing moguls who introduced me to the world of communication and media. 

I'm here to share it all with you.

I truly believe that there's never been a better (or more important) time to double down on your management skills. No matter how many years of experience you have or what type of office you work in, there can be no consistent growth without systems. 

I don't want you to look back in six months from under the mountain of sticky notes and desperation and and wish you'd signed up. Let's implement this customized growth strategy together.

Director, Practice Enhanced Lori Kester

Lori Kester has over 30 years of experience in the dental industry as a dental hygienist, specialty practice manager, and certified practice management software trainer. Lori joined the Method Pro team to provide a deeper level of insight into marketing efforts and strategy development for dental practice growth. She directs the Practice Enhanced department which focuses on internal practice management systems design and performance, team education, and the implementation of customized operational workflows. A creator and presenter of multiple accredited continuing education courses on topics ranging from clinical hygiene practice to practice management software, she’s coached many of the nation’s elite-level practice managers to measurable success. Ultimately, she’s on a mission to help dental teams grow, thrive, and prosper.

Course curriculum

    1. Systems Create Efficiency

    2. Create Your Practice Playbook: Digital vs "The Binder"

    3. Sharing is Caring, but share securely.

    1. SMART SYSTEMS: Position Agreements and Division of Duties

    2. SMART SYSTEMS: New Patient Experience System

    3. SMART SYSTEMS: Financial Policy and Arrangements

    4. SMART SYSTEMS: Design a Recare System that Works

    5. SMART SYSTEMS: Morning Huddle

    6. SMART SYSTEMS: Appointment Scheduling

    7. SMART SYSTEMS: Phone Control

    8. SMART SYSTEMS: Staff Meeting

    9. SMART SYSTEMS: Collections Management

    1. Efficiency Drives Productivity

    2. New Patient Intake

    3. Insurance Verification & Data Administration

    4. Appointment Confirmations

    5. Craft a Quick and Painless Morning Huddle

    6. Patient Check-In

    7. Seating Your Patient

    8. Clinical Processes

    9. Treatment Planning and Presentations

    10. Internal Team Communications

    11. Patient Checkout and Collecting Payment

    12. Re-Appointing Your Patient

    13. Insurance Claims Administration

    14. Billing & Statements

    15. Recall & Reactivation

    16. Internal Marketing

    17. External Marketing Partners

    1. Productivity Results in Growth

    2. 2. Practice Growth & Retention Metrics

    3. Growth. It's Great.

    4. Attrition: Not the Teeth Kind.

    5. Growth Rate vs Attrition Rate. It's ON!

    6. 3. Productivity & Performance Metrics

    7. Production

    8. Production Per Visit (PPV)

    9. Annual Patient Value

    10. Treatment Acceptance %

    11. 4. Revenue Cycle Management

    12. Collections

    13. Collections Ratio

    14. A/R Ratio

    15. A/R Days

    16. Accounts Receivable (Patient vs Insurance)

    17. 5. How Do I Track KPI?

    18. KPI: Benchmarks and Case Studies

    1. Let's do a practice health and growth analysis!

    2. Live Workshop: Eval Practice Snapshot!

Join Practice Enhanced Academy Today!

Get lifetime access to everything and take your skills to the next level. Includes future modules and extra bonus content!